Wednesday, August 3, 2005

blind following

...sometimes its quite liberating to follow blindly.
it frees you from worrying about your actions. *It shouldn't free you from being held accountable for your actions! but, when you carry out an act that has precedent in local tradition, i'm sure you are quite worry free as you do it. blindly following is also related to the idea of imitation. we imitate in order to learn how to do something.

when confronted with a situation in which we don't know how to act, we can do one of two things:
-learn about the best course of action and take it;
-or imitate what others we are familiar with have done (tradition).

not all tradtion is bad. it can be the case that centuries of tradition have refined a practice into an excellent form. (for example, in architecture there are master craftsmen like masons and carpenters who learned through imitation).

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