Friday, July 23, 2010

have and have not

The conversation i had with my grandmother got me thinking about things that determine ones status in society. society is divided between those who have and those who have not. having means being in possession of something. that something does not have to be material.

I figure 5 things one can possess that determine his or her status in society:
Power - which determines political status
Wealth - which determines economic status
Knowledge - which determines intellectual status
Respect - which determines social status
Fame - which determines cultural status

One can possess one with out the others.
Each thing has its haves and haves nots.

being in possession of any one of these things can lead to pride.
pride is not bad. it is as awareness of ones own quality of being.
but it is when one who has looks down upon those who do not,
that the term elitist or snob can be applied to them.
their pride has turned into arrogance.

not being in possession can lead to wanting.
wanting is not bad. it is an awareness of ones need to grow.
but if not having leads to a feeling of inferiority,
that wanting can turn into envy.

there is the possession of a thing,
and there is the desire to possess,
... the wanting of it.

wanting can lead to satisfaction or wanting more.
wanting more is not bad. it is a continuation of the struggle to grow.
but when wanting more leads to taking from others,
wanting more can turn into greed.

and when one keeps what they have from others,
whether its the political power used to do good,
or economic wealth used to help the poor,
or intellectual knowledge used to teach,
or cultural fame used to bring happiness,
or social respect used to provide justice,
it is nothing but miserliness.

the issue of status seems to be interwoven into what the sufis called the diseases of the heart. we should think beyond having and not having. we should think about growth and development and being good. we should all realize that we come from a station that was below the station we are currently at. and we can always fall back down the ladder at anytime. and in the process of gaining these five types of things we should always remain humble and charitable.

to be humble means to be aware that you are not the most important. that ultimately there is a higher power than you. and to be charitable means that your time, energy and possessions are not the most important. that ultimately you will die and not be able to take anything with you, so use what you have to do good deeds.
The Quran is loaded with these two commands.
Success is through belief in god and doing good deeds.

My father was both humble and charitable, more important then any level of social status he achieved. that humbleness and charitableness allowed him to be connected to not only his former stations in life but the people who are at those stations, his "asliyat."