Thursday, July 22, 2010


Let me me now focus on one specific status symbol: Material Wealth.
There are the haves and have nots, but it is probably more complicated then just this simple division...

those who have are divided between:
  1- those who are born having, among this group are:
    A- those who inherited their wealth
         and control their means of survival
      1- those who work, among this group are:
        a- those who are work harder to gain more, and
        b- those who work hard using a talent
            or to contribute to society, and
        c- those who work for fun,
      2- those who do not work.
    B- those to whom sustenance is provided,
         who break down the same as the above group
  2- those who used to have not

those who have not are also divided between:
  1- those who work harder in order to become among
       those who have, among this group are:
    a- those who want to retain a connection to their life
        of not having and its values, and
    b- those who want to leave behind
        the life of not having and its values.
  2- those who work hard enough to sustain themselves,
       among this group are:
    a- those who wanted to work harder but are trapped
        and unable to gain more then sustanence
    b- those who are content to just survive and
        do not want to seek more.
  3- those who do not work hard, among this group are:
    a- those who have lost hope and gave up on work
    b- those who are unable to work
    c- those who are kept from working

the differentiation between people seems to be by how they gain what they need to survive. and what they do with what is extra. the extra can be accumilated to raise through the ranks, or can be spent on things that can be consumed.