Tuesday, September 28, 2004

my masjid and me

last friday... i backed up my friend's right as a member of the masjid association to speak to the leadership. i back up my friend as he passes out a letter by opposition board members who seek to rehire our old imam. some shmo approachs him in an attempt to intimidate him. that shmo has done it before. physical intimidation has been used before. membership forms taken out of hands as more people are sought to join of the association. people pushed, people threatened. i wasn't there at the time. - last friday... my conversation with my friend is interrupted by a goon. in an attempt to intimidate us. this goon starts to raise his voice at us. i reiterate our right as members to him. i ask him if he is a board member. i tell him, if he isn't, he better step off. a board member tries to diffuse the situation. i reiterate our rights as members to him as well. i've never spoken with disrespect to this board member. and i tell him that i don't intend to be disrespectful now either. i tell him that these people better backoff. i am a member. - last friday... this board member, who happens to be the cause of the imam troubles, now knows that i am a supporter of his opposition. the goons see me talking to him about my rights in a raised voice. they are his goons. the head goon approaches me in a threatening manner. my friend gets in the way, facing me, calming me down. the goon says "get your ass out of the masjid." my brother and others come running to calm things down. the goon, that bastard, pushes my brother to the side with a hand to the side of his neck. as they walk me away, i get in his face. i look him in the eyes. "YOU PUT YOUR HAND ON MY BROTHER!" they grab me and walk me away. someone whispers to me that the police are coming. so i sit down at a table. "this is my masjid. i will not leave. i will sit here and calm myself down." - last friday... after things are calmed down. the police arrive. the bastard is pointed out. battery is a misdemeaner. my brother can file charges later if he desires. he chooses not to right now. the bastard is given a warning. the first time they got away with abuse. this time they were warned. there better not be another. i do not get intimidated. i excersize my rights. - after last friday... i confronted the vice chair of the board. i told him that it was time for him to act. time to stop defending the actions of people who hurt members. who threaten those of us who volunteer at this masjid. i told him that he must defend us. time for him to be a strong leader. when spoke to him nicely he has dismissed my concerns. so the next time i was angryer. i was louder. it was in front of people who backed up my concerns. it felt good. i don't care what happens. he a weak leader. he is weak. he needs to be replaced. - before last friday... i was marginally involved in the politics of this masjid. now i find myself being invited to secretive meetings of the opposition. i find their political ploting tiresome. i say "go ahead and do what you want. you are the board and you must resolve your issues." but i am a member who has a bigger picture. should i work to create another organization that empowers the members? should i go to NAIT to take the masjid out of the hands of a disfunctional organization? it is dysfunctional if working within the system gets no where. if speaking out gets you hurt. if members are not given the right to remove crooked or incompitent board members. if this plotting opposition has to find loop holes to take action. if it fails to ask us members what we want out of our association. i'll do it. i tell them this... dysfunction sucks. what do we do? i hate politics. i hate violent bastard goons more. they are a source of rage in me. i love people who do good. i wish we can empower them instead of "leaders". the less leaders we have, the better we are. the less interferance with those who do good. the less they plot among themsleves. the events of last friday reinforce these ideas.