Monday, March 7, 2005

enough talk

It happened again today.
I was told to “do it.”
...“Enough talk Asad, just do it.”
...Do what?

... - Over the last few years, I’ve been sharing the ideas I have about youth work.
With ex-members of our old youth organization;
officers of the local youth group;
leaders of our masjid.

... - Well it was bound to happen.
One of those people basically said “well, do it already.”
It was my old Islamic School teacher, a former advisor of our old youth group.
I decided to stop by at a Muslim Teachers Conference she was helping organize.

... - I told her:
there are ideas to create a youth group at our masjid again.
old members of our group at another mosque are dong the same thing.
Its probably time to create some sort of regional structure.

... - Yeah Yeah, We tried it back in the mid 90s.
it probably wasn’t the right time,
maybe this time it’ll happen.

... - Maybe we can:
bring these old members together to create a board of advisors.
take requests for larger youth activities for the region and then select the best youth from among all the groups to organize it.

... - Good idea she said, just like another good idea you had a couple of years ago Asad.
So whats the hold up, will this also go undone like the last one.
By the way, we need to do a camp. Not organized by any masjid or any one youth group.
Organized by us, and this region idea you have is a good way to organize it.

... - Hey! just like back in the old days, when the East Zone of the Muslim Youth of North America used a camp to kick off our South Eastern regional structure, to bring together the various youth groups in Florida! We can do the same thing but for South Florida.

... - Sounds Good! But, don’t disappoint me this time!
You’ve become all talk Asad. Lets do this soon.
You’re worrying me Asad.

... - Yes Sister Naima.
Thank you Sister Naima.
I got to go now Sister Naima.
Salam Sister Naima.