Sunday, July 31, 2005

questioning inhereted values and marriage

some say that we don't think about our values enough, that we just imitate without thought. but i think inhereted values are questioned all the time. and i think they always have been. nothing is exactly the same as it was. things are always adapting to new circumstances. most of the time its in small ways that go unnoticed. and occasionally there is something that shows up which causes drastic changes quite rapidly (like the internet). love is one of those values, but a wedding is not a value, it is an inherited method of conducting a marriage... inhereted practices are questioned and modified just as much as inhereted values are. if one was to find a historical record of how weddings were conducted in colonial karachi and compare them to weddings now, there would be enough changes to prove my point. marriage is an inherited method of creating order... the concept of marriage is definately a value, but it's purpose is to create order. and trying to change anything that disrupts the established order faces resistence from those who maintain that order. its quite natural. but questioning the idea of marriage is very different from questioning the methods of conducting a marriage. to question the idea of marriage is almost like questioning the idea of order itself. that piece of paper, the marriage contract, that contractual agreement between two parties is where change can be forced.

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