Friday, June 4, 2004

loosing control

I don’t quite know what the cause is.
All I know is that I can loose control.

the past few years I’ve felt:
...And most recently Anger.
... - each feeling has an event that triggered it.

It scares me …Rage.
- But like the Hulk, "when it happens I like it."
...It feels good the middle of a conversation
...if it involves something that saddens me, I may cry
...if it involves something that angers me, I may…

sometimes in the same conversation!
...what’s strange is that I’m aware of it when it’s happening
I try to regain contol. I do regain control.

... - I used to be in control all the time.

- I’d never cried in front of another person...Until...

- I’d never screamed at another person...Until...

- I like this new passion I seem to have.
But It scares me...
Losing control.

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