Friday, March 1, 2002

thats poo as in poo-poo

i'd pass it around, but my stash is runnin low. my supplier in candy-haaar got nailed by a daisycutter. posts start out "normal" - i swear. but then i get mustt and in my haal, i'm no longer in control. yeah, i'm in the car, but i can't feel the road baby...i fasten my seat belt and step on the GAS anyways! by the way, i found it interesting that in my emotional response to communal riots i did not distort any facts and ended up finding a great example to reinforce amina wudood's analysis. she seemed to me to be stating in scholarspeak exactly what i wanted to say. also, i've heard her speak and she not a dynamic speaker either, its probably why she appears to want others to speak to the masses.

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