Tuesday, October 9, 2007

empirial majesty

I think there is nothing wrong with building an empire. Some of us eventually get to a point where we want to expand the territory we control. It starts when we purchase a second property. or build a branch office.

What is evil is not building an empire. but injustice when trying to build an empire and injustice towards those within an empire.

The problem with the American empire is two-fold:

1- it is controlled and directed by white men.

2- it does not follow through with its ideals.

The problem is NOT the desire to want more or pride in yourself.

at the root of any empire is the desire to what more...

...more land to enable you to gain more wealth

...more access to human and natural resources to enable you to gain more wealth

...more people to sell your stuff or your message to enable you to gain more wealth

the problem is when expanding your empire, you let greed overpower the values you claim to live by. and when you let pride in yourself turn into an arrogant attitude that dehumanizes others. arrogance and greed will eventually lead to rebellion in your empire its eventual downfall.

Americans need to embrace the idea of empire when it comes to its government. We already should not have a problem accepting the empirial desires of corporations. Unless you want a return to being a farmer on someone elses land. You live in cities now. In cities we work for those who build things and sell those things, or buy things to sell to others, or sell our services that enable others to build or buy or sell. Now whats wrong with expanding our businesses so that we can build, buy, or sell in other places? (as long as we act justly towards our workers and clients). Nothing is wrong with that.

Now about our government. We are a superpower, lets act like one. Why should we not try to extend our influence to new places? Why should we not let those new places join the United States? There are places in the world that are very tempting in terms of the opportunities they give us. Opportunities to enable our businesses to gain access to people and natural resources.

I'm not saying that we conquer all of them using our military. We can continue to do what we do now, expand our businesses into all areas. But, if there are tyranical governments out there that oppress their people (and those people come to us for help), why not get in there and take out the oppressors (as long as we act justly with the citizenry)? But why stop there? Once the oppressor is out. We should extend those people the opportunity to become a state and equal citizens of the United States, set up an election and let them vote on joining the US or not. If they say no, we leave (why rule them when they don't want to be ruled by us).

The only thing that gets in the way of this happening is the fact that our government is run by white christian men who carry on the shortsighted racist tendencies of their european forefathers.

There has never been a democratic empire (the arabs under the second Caliph Umar came close). But when the United States was created there became the potential to finally have an empire that is about more then just one king trying to get richer. It can be about the people trying to get richer. Where the American Dream is extended to those who live in the most hopeless of conditions.

An Empire of Laws.
Laws that limit monopolies are good.
Laws that give workers a safe and just workplace are good.
Laws that regulate the behavior of our military are good.
Laws that give people the right to speak, assemble, worship are good.
Laws that establish checks and balances between different braches of government are good.
Laws that enable the people to own land, and make money are good.
Laws that prevent people from doing injustice to their land or those they do business with are also good.

People of the world are yearning for these laws.
And they are yearning for a government that enforces these laws.
We can be that government.

The problems in Iraq are regarding the national government.
Well, Why not welcome three new states to the United States of the World.
Kurdistan, Shiite Basrah, and Sunni Iraq. Each will get 2 Senators and will be divided into districts where they can choose representatives to represent them in the House. We will establish courts and they now have to abide by US law. In the beginning it will be difficult, but we will be much more respected. We would prove to the world that we not only take out tyrannical governments but we take full ownership of the situation. Not only is the State Department and the Defence Department are involved with creating the new order. but so is the Interior Department, the Treasury Department, the EPA, and the IRS, etc., etc.
But this will never happen so long as the white chistian men who control this country limit its access to the non-whites. Access to immigration and annexation.

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