Monday, March 21, 2005

a mention of satan

I'd read that the mystic Hallaj had written a defence of satan. but I'm still searching for an english version of it. Till them I am searching through the works of some of the other Mystics. The Sufi Poet Farid'uddin 'Attar has a few mentions of Iblis in his masterpiece "The Conference of the Birds" I've reworked Peter Avery's translation: Enjoy! ...Moses was instructed in secret to go and ask Iblis for some advice. Iblis said, “Always bear this one maxim in mind: Do not say ‘I’ lest you become like me.” Go Ahead! Take this life to be your own, What you will have is not service, but atheism, the denial of Truth! Run this course knowing no gratification. Be like those courageous ones, who gain honor through a bad reputation. If you get gratification in this road, A hundred “I’s” would take you! Snap! Just like that!...

a side note about Darkness and Sight... The Mu’min said: “It is better for that newbie that he should be in darkness,‘Til he is completely obliterated in the Ocean of Kindness, Putting an end to a consciousness of existence, Because, if anything presents itself to his untrained sight, He might become distracted, and turn towards unbelief.” It’s in you, You Know It! that desire to acquire more and more, that inclination to argue and fight, The eyes of others see, not the eyes of you. It’s in you, You’ve Felt It! It’s like an ash-pit full of dragons. You in heedlessness have let them loose, Oh the trouble of looking after them day and night! Finding food for them to eat. Places for them to sleep. You’ve become nothing but dust and blood, And that which was once considered good and pure, Now… forbidden!, taboo! your Blood, your closest buddy, it’s making you filthy, it’s becoming your partner in crime! Whatever it is in that heart of yours, that thing is preventing you from knowing Oneness! and if its doing that, without doubt, its forbidden! If you’ve become aware of the pollution within, How can you just sit there like that? Not giving a damn!... a side note to the side note: On the chest of a Shaikh an unclean dog was wont to lie. The Shaikh made no attempt to avoid it. An inquirer said: “O great one of the righteous conduct, How comes it then that you have not spurned this dog?” Listen to the Shaikh’s reply: “You see this dog’s outside, its unclean. But that which is inside me, is not visible. What you can see clearly in one, Is concealed within the other. Since my inside is like the dog’s outside, How should I evade him?That dog has become my friend.” So… if the inner corruption is only a little, A hundred times more defiled are you. Because this little is all the same; If the slightest distraction blocks your progress on the Path, What is the difference if it’s a mountain or just a straw that holds you back?... **the primary source for Satan info for most of the muslim mystic philosophers is of course the Quran. but not a literal interpretation. I see their unique notion of Iblis as an attempt to reconcile the creation story with other places in the Quran where the concept of shaytan is mentioned in relation to human nature.

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