Saturday, October 16, 2004


ISNA has some issues to deal with. people thinking they saw the moon is not a problem. there are always people who sincerely think they see it. its no problem to start one day before or after other muslims who have a difference of opinion. diversity is what makes Islam beautiful. just for fun...we could ask, who at ISNA gave the greenlight to declare it when there is still doubt? and why? It's a problem when an organization creates a policy and then doesn't follow through. here's what I think is going on... ISNA was poised in the 90s to make a shift. from a link in a global islamic movement to a service organization for the Muslim minority in America. and the creation of the moon sighting policy can be seen as part of that shift. i would like to believe that there was a desire to provide that service which all local masjids need, to help muslims practice one of the pillars of islam, through one body in order to take advantage of limited resources and a network of masjids... it's probably muslim unity that drives their actions. remnents of the idea to unify to establish an islamic state... on the other hand, ISNA could have evolved in the past few years, it's actions could be be driven by a different notion now, one based on the unity of a minority in order to ensure rights, or prevent isolation and retain an identity. But there is a pressure at ISNA to keep it from straying from the movement. That pressure manifests in its defense of wahhabism, its apparent desire to follow the Saudis on Ramadan and Eid for "Muslim unity", and its attempt to craft a program for youth recruitment. Maybe a day will come when it makes the shift. Until then we'll have more confusion at moonsighting time. peace.

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