Thursday, February 28, 2002

india smells like poo

here's the news item:
...let me summarize: about 50+ people dead in india when train carloads of hindu nationalists were set ablaze by angry people (maybe muslims). its the same hindu nationalists that have a list of historic masjids to be replaced by hindu temples. they believe that its an effort to re-establish temples that existed on those spots centuries ago. for those of you who aren't indian, here's some background info: WE indian muslims consider OUR destroyed masajid to be "shaheed." with such a mess after their first strike in Ayodhya, the government has prevented the construction of the temple to RAMA that the extremeists want to build on its site, as well as any other masjid's martyrdom, for fear of massive riots. but the temple's construction goes on (thousands of craftsmen off-site busy carving pillars). WE indian muslims believe that it can go up overnight cuz there are thousands of hindu volunteers ready to help and the police won't get in there way. this is why any hindu nationalist calls for a rally in Ayodhya are signs of trouble and violence.
...I visted several masjids that are on their hit-list. in Mathura, next to an existing temple for Krishna, there is a masjid Aurangzeb built over the ruins of an earlier temple to Krishna (as in Hare Rama Hare Krishna). Which itself, i read, was built over the ruins of a Buddhist structure.
...There is only one route to that masjid and the local hindu population park cows and water baffalos along that route. There was even feces all over the steps that lead to the gateway. Once there, I had to go through metal detectors and they frisked me before i was allowed to proceed, police were lounging around everywhere. I was interrogated when they saw me sketching. among the only two other non-police there, one was a hindu dude with a robe and marks on his forehead following me around. While i can understand the police "protection of the site" and was not angered by it, scraping poo off my shoes had me ticked. I wasn't there during a prayer time, but i wonder how many muslims want to go through all the trouble to pray there if there is a more peaceful alternative... An empty masjid sure is easier to demolish... If it was only as easy as saying "please don't blame me for something my ancestor did, and since you already have a temple right next door can't we all just get along. cuz destroying a centuries old mosque will only lead to feelings of hostility and frustration within a minority and could lead to violence and blood shed."... Go on, Rally in Ayodhya, but beware of the mess that you create. ***warning: read the rest at your own risk, it includes language that is intentionally designed to offend... here's the bigger picture: the militant extremist hindu's want sympathy. i find it hard to feel sympathy for anyone who creates an atmosphere of hate, then portray themselves to be innocent victims of aggression. that percieved aggression of the muslims is only being a reaction, a natural HUMAN frustration that reaches a limit, TRUE it must be controlled by the rational ability that God has given us. But, I'm not perfect, and this atmosphere of hate is a hinderance in my path to perfection. if my family is harassed, my movement is restricted, and on top of that my masjid is desecrated - can you blame me? of course i'll be a reactionary! and i will NOT apologize for it. my frustration goes beyond the point i can control with my love powers. it ozzes out as anger. my anger reaches the point where my hand becomes a fist and rises into the air. put RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE into that boombox, baby. push play and i will unleash my frustrated fist upon those who frustrated it... now we will dance in our cyclone of violence.... complicated discourse of islamic law or cosmology has lost it relevence to me at this moment (oh my beloved scholars, you failed to motivate my simple frustrated mind). its not about me having freedom. hell, its not even about my islam anymore. it IS about that damn hater hindu nationalist and me, it IS about my reactionary fist in his or her ugly face, my dirty-poo shoe kicking his or her ass, my rage does not discriminate... CONTROL yourself Asad, control is good, control is right... PART TWO: who's to be blamed for the carnage, and be punished by tribunals? The Haters? Those who React? Or those who failed to spread great teachings of love or justice before this whole mess began, those who failed to inspire a new generation of lovers of justice? Are we working to neutralize the root of the cycle? or will we sit on our buttox and complain about injustice (or stand on street corners holding stupid signs)? sometimes its government actions at the root but sometimes its also the beliefs and practices of a majority of the citizens, which a government only reflects...Nationalist Hindu cow-piss lovers frustrate my Indian Muslim family, white christian fundamentalist republican Israel-lovers frustrate immigrant American Muslims and african-americans. How will YOU (concerned/confused individuals affected by an atmosphere of hate) neutralize the creators of that atmosphere before MY RAGE is unleashed?By Dawah? By Love? By Education? By Politics? HOW?? Whose answer is best? I don't know...

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