Tuesday, May 15, 2001

got god

a modern scientist only believes in reason, can the existance of god be proved using only rational arguments or empirical evidence, i'm sure any mention of the words "soul" or "faith" will not satisfy. most athiests are like this too, they want proof that doesn't contradict logic and their 5 senses. I suck at logic so i'll refer to
IBN RUSHD(a classical muslim scholar from 1126-1198)
he may have answer to the question of god using sound logic....

now... a person who is seeking spiritual peace (not proof) wants to hear a concept of god that explains "why" and "who". many people are turning to hinduism and buddhism because they can find an internal peace in those concepts of god. they NEED to hear the word "soul" and "faith" and "love". We all want an UNSEEN that makes sense:

i say Love exists...
you know...
that feeling you would get if your mom died...
now...lets call that place within us that is able to love, the soul...

sure, love may simply be a product of the brain that is unique to each individual...

but, lets say its more than that, lets say love is universal
...that it is one.
(that i love my mom the same way you do).
so...if our love is the same, and it not a product of the brain but arises from someplace else, the soul, then our souls should also be similar.
now...if something is similar it must be created that way.
our soular essenceseses should be one...
am i making any sense???

i believe in loving souls. i can't believe something like loving souls can happen by chance, but i CAN believe that there is an unseen force out there that makes our unseen similar souls in all their groovy loverability.
so...I say, there's got to be a creator!
a creator who made them the same way...
to be able to love that creator the same way.
call him by whatever name you want.

BUT...and this is a big but...
how can he create souls and then let'em roam around hate'n
not living up to their potential lovliness or loverhoodness?
this creator obviously didn't want us all happy all the time.
this creator should at least open up the hearts of people now and then and let them become master lovers who can guide the rest of us??
now... maybe sent us guides who taught us how to love him.
master lovers like Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad
ok ok...i can't PROVE they communicated with the love master himself.
but they sure knew a thing or two about love!
and they said he is Alone, One, Absolute, Eternal, etc.etc.
and that he is closer to us than our jugular vein.
So... The Creator is Here...
He's speaks to us all the time...
but he is using the hidden language of Love.
and We can only know him through our soul because only our soul is able to understand the language and appreciate the awesome power of love.
the writings of the classical muslim scholar Imam GHAZZALI tell me that love is the foundation of islam.

most of us are only muslims because we were born muslims, Alhamdulillah. but, we don't know our concept of god. i read, and try to be aware of my surroundings. hoping that the answers will come!!

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