Sunday, June 20, 2021

Republican party propaganda is terrifying. All of its leaders and speakers are trying to make those who are watching vote out of fear. Observing the Democrats, I have learned this: It takes time for ideas from the grassroots to work their way to the leadership. Especially when the leadership is beholden to a donor class that does not want revolutionary changes. Things are not bad enough among the masses for a majority to want revolutionary change... in either direction. Fascism nor Communism. But, observing the Republicans, I have learned this: It takes no time at all for ideas from the leader to influence the grassroots. Especially if fear is used and ignorance is exploited. As a reader of History, it is fascinating to witness the decline of a superpower. As a Republican, it is sad to see that it's the party I belong to play the leading role in it. 

We should be scared of a party that advocates for America to become a police state ruled by a corrupt family. I remember voting for  people who, while flawed, cared deeply about America and Americans. Over the past few nights of listening to the speakers at the 2020 Republican convention, I don't hear ideals i can believe in and I don't see a concern for real problems facing our country. I hear nothing but hate, lies, and fear-mongering.

I registered to vote in 1991, I registered as a Republican. My father was a Republican. I never really asked him why he was a Republican. But I can understand that when he came to the United States in the 70s and gained citizenship in the 80s, The major difference in the parties was one of class. Democrats advocated for labor and welfare, while Republicans advocated for business and individualism. Religious and racial politics were not as divided. We are in Florida, the Southern racists and Bible belt believers were democrats until the 90s. I am sure it is because of those racist southern democrat memories that we have the black conservatives we see in the Republican party propaganda. Any ways, my father was Republican, so I registered Republican.

My parents were small business owning immigrants striving to make enough money to not only establish ourselves but also support famliy back in Pakistan. I didn't mind being a Republican. As they became more religiously conservative, most of us who were mosque going believers found the conservative values to be in line with what we heard in our immigrant established mosques and sunday schools. But through the college years, as the cold war ended and the new emerging enemy of Islamic Terrorism became more of the focus of the propaganda, things began to change. It wasn't too distinct at first. The bosnians and kosovars, and chechans, being persecuted by socialists during the clinton years were Muslim. But then 9/11 happened. 

America survived. But the Republican party did not. The party i joined has no room for my secular, kind of libertarianish, immigrant, small business capitalism that favors common sense policies that provide a safety net for the poor, and regulations that keep our water, air, and land clean, with an outlook that invests in the future. We were the ones who used to be able to show that we can make money while being smart about what keeps our nation and ALL its people, as a whole, strong. Maybe my memories are those of naïve youth and it has always been like it is now. Only as a cynical adult can see it clearly.

I have never been partisan in my politics, or sectarian in my religion. I live by a simple idea that Success comes when to you have faith, and do good deeds, and are there for another when they need you.